August 25, 2020


Scratch papers are so fun to work with especially for kids, they will be excited to see different colors on every stock on the paper like they cannot get enough of it. It will improve their imagination and creativity. Not just the scratch papers are fun to work with, even making one is even more exciting. Yes, there are no rules, no patterns, not even shape matters, kids will love it for sure.

I know doing craft works with your kids is not an easy joke, no matter how simple it is. Because they will be distracted easily, with the material that we prepared for the particular project, they won't bother about the end results anyway. Now moms are in big trouble to make them focus on what we planned for, right, or Am I the only one who is suffering here😕😂. But don't worry, with this project both you and your kid both can have some fun together.

As I mentioned before, there is no particular correct way to do this craft, they can do whatever they want to do on the paper and just mom gonna cover and make some wonderful scratch art of your own. Coming to my story, I learned this project from one of my besties, from my college days, which she learned from her small brother's art class😉. I loved it when she showed me one of her works, and then was into that and kept on trying all the possible patterns and designs like a crazy person for days😍. Now it's your turn, here we go,


1. Paper.        
2. Crayon 
3. Color Pencils.


1. Take a piece of paper and color it entirely with your desired colors alternatively.

2. And start to overlap the multicolor paper with a black crayon, try to color in one particular direction like if you start diagonal then finish that way or if you start left to right then finish that way and so on. It will give a better finish,

3. Finish color it with a black, that's all your scratch paper is ready to pour your imaginations,


1. You can also use color pencils or sharpie (sketch pen) to color the base paper.
2. Feel free to use whatever paper you have with you, even used paper is also okay to be used since we talk about zero waste😉,

3. You can make your kids do this completely, below is what my elder one who is 4years old did for herself entirely on her own,

4. No patterns or even shape no matters, here is what we used,( credits to my kids 😀).

4. And again it's just an idea you can always improvise and make it suitable for you, even you can use some other color instead of black on the outside.
5. If your art didn't come out the way you want, no worries, you can correct the particular part, or the entire work by applying more black crayon just one more time. 
5. Finally, this is what I have done with my scratch paper.


       We had a great time with our scratch paper and I am excited to know how it turned out for you guys in the comment section. And just one more thing to remember always," Stay Positive and Keep smiling😊".


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